Remembering the Dialouges in Movies

Fancy our world without the need to communicate with each other! Do you think development would have been possible under such circumstances? Of course, some other means would have come by, but that wouldn’t have been as persuasive as the conversation method that we took to.

This means, the growth of our civilization would have taken a backseat, surrendering itself to the less comprehensive means of expressing ourselves. Dialogues in a movie serve as the purpose of letting us know what exactly is going on in it. The term ‘dialogue’, though, refers to some framed conversations, it is, of course, a means (for the characters) to make their inner thoughts known to audience. It would not be wrong to say though that the characters in a movie express themselves with the help of dialogues. Apart from letting us know what the narrative is all about, dialogues help in representing a life on screen.

Many a times, a discourse that we may have heard recently (in real life) gets filmed exactly in same fashion (in reel life). And we just can’t help nodding our head in agreement! Dialogue is also a tool for the filmmakers to mold the narrative the way they want it. For instance, in a horror movie, some ambiguous conversations between two characters can help a great deal in creating an ambience of mystery and thrill. Similarly, in a comedy, the initial funny bytes lead to a major laughter crescendo in the end.
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